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Keys Marketing Group Logo

Conversation is the key for meaningful donor relationships.

I would never have decided to become a monthly donor had it not been the great call I received from your agent!”
Cindy, Vancouver
Talking in Headset


Voice to voice campaigns are key to strengthening your relationships with your donors. You cannot get this level of engagement from digital or direct mail campaigns alone. Phone campaigns – especially when integrated with mail and digital -- are a powerful way to increase donor satisfaction and giving. An added bonus is you get  important database updates and donor feedback. We use this direct feedback to help guide your messaging and campaign strategies in future. 

Our call centre team is passionate about our work. They love raising money and having wonderful conversations with your donors. The quality of our calls is second to none. We hire carefully and provide on-going training and coaching and pay our staff well. This is why we have such high employee retention rates, which is all but unheard of in this industry. You may not believe it, but some agents have worked with us for 10 or 20 years and have raised hundreds of thousands of dollars single-handedly.



Our experienced fundraising agents are the direct link between your supporters and you. 

We renew memberships, accept donations, answer questions, or assist your supporters in any way needed. Our Inbound services include DRTV campaign support, emergency campaign response, advocacy and sales. 


For political and advocacy campaigns, we can live connect your caller with their MP’s office, allowing them to convey their concerns about important issues.

Image by Jim Reardan
Happy Girl Texting


Reach donors where they live: on their mobile devices. Keys offers SMS and E-mail integration to your calling programs. Boost contact and pledge fulfillment rates; confirm and thank donors for their gifts. Send alerts and updates. It’s a great way to keep donors engaged and informed.


Voice Broadcast

We can deliver strategic messages directly to thousands of your members, donors, prospects, or constituents for pennies per message. Short pre-recorded messages delivered through the telephone raise awareness when you need it most:


  • Increase participation at events

  • Increase response to your mailings

  • Conduct simple surveys

  • Provide brief campaign updates

  • Remind members to renew

  • Connect to a live agent or mp

  • Increase ticket sales

Do you have a celebrity spokesperson or VIP? Ask them to record your message to give your supporters a thrill!

Megaphone Protestor
Voice Broadcast
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